Consultancy services

Below you can see an overview of the consulting services that we “deliver”.


Below you can see an overview of the different general types of consultancy work that we carry out. Depending on the type of improvement you want to achieve or the type of problem you have, we can combine this into a package that suits you with our background and the skills we have. The important thing is that all consulting efforts will ultimately lead to some kind of upskilling in your company and therefore your commitment is inevitable. Consultancy work where the buying company is not active rarely leads to a lasting effect.

Web designer at work

Management system improvements

Building a management system is like building a house. It’s going to be built from the ground up. The problem is that no house is completely finished. There is always a need for some kind of adaptation or improvement that the one who built the house didn’t think about when it was built. Would then the foundation not be properly made… Contact us with a request if you need any improvement or an overall review. We can do short gap analyses as well as complete reviews.
multipurpose business woman on the grey background


Internal training is often (cost)effective if it involves several people. We can conduct internal training in products that are available on our product page.
Young people putting their hands on top of each other symbolizing unity and teamwork. Diverse group of students stacking their hands.

Project management

unterwegs im nostalgischen Blechauto


  • Do you need up-to-date information about what your customers think in real time?
  • Did you do your last survey of what your customers think “recently” i.e. +2 years ago?
It doesn’t have to be difficult, expensive or complex to find out what your customers think, but for you to get an impactful result, the questions and options should be thought through. Let us help you get up-to-date information about what your customers think and let us help you implement a standardized approach.
Close of businessman hand holding cube figure as symbol of innovation. 3D rendering




two business persons plan a project