VDA 5 - Measurement and control processes

How to ensure governance of your control process

Table of contents

Our Courses in VDA 5

There are currently no courses planned.

Please contact us for inquiries and further information.

What is VDA 5?

Management of the control process in automotive companies
serves two main purposes:

  • Consideration of measurement uncertainty when using inspection results as a necessary
  • prerequisite for product safety and conformity assessment
    Targeted use of control processes, taking into account production efficiency.

Control process capability involves more than just the release of the control equipment. It also includes the management of measurement uncertainty in product and production development to prevent incorrect assessments of measurement results.


Measurement systems and processes must therefore be adequately and comprehensively evaluated, and the relevant influencing factors that may affect the measurement result must be considered.


Measurement systems and processes require careful evaluation to ensure accurate results. Access our PDF documents on VDA 5 for free.

Training in VDA 5

As a licensee of VDA QMC, we offer exclusive training in VDA 5. The course provides a solid foundation in capability and measurement uncertainty in control processes.


The training is two days long and combines short, focused lectures with practical group exercises to ensure deep understanding and application.

Approach and format

  • Open course – For participants from different companies, held at a specified location.
  • In-house training – Customized for your specific needs and conducted at your company.
  • Live Online Training (LOT) –Participate digitally via live lessons.

Literature in VDA 5

The revised version of VDA 5 is now available in Swedish and can be ordered in our webshop.


It is just under 300 pages and has the following content (in summary):

  • Management of control processes
  • Assessment of measurement uncertainty of the measurement process
  • Proof of capability
  • Special measurement processes
  • Evidence of capability attribute characteristics
  • Continuous monitoring of capability


We are competent auditors and can review your processes for inspection and testing based on the content of control plans, FMEA and structure your processes based on risk and uncertainty.


We can then propose (and implement) methodology for monitoring, updating and improving measurement uncertainty.


A review of control plans, working methods and methods in the management system for structuring measurement uncertainty takes 1-3 days depending on the size of the company.