Process Audit VDA 6.3

An excellent way to review a product development process

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Are you aware of the risks you and your supplier(s) are takning in a product and process development project?

What is Process Audit VDA 6.3?

Process auditing using VDA 6.3 has been an effective method of identifying weaknesses and deficiencies in product development processes for over 20 years. A structured audit ensures that processes meet quality standards, while identifying risks and opportunities for improvement.


VDA 6.3 covers the entire product development process – from feasibility analysis to customer care – and includes clear criteria for risk evaluation. The process audit serves as a key tool for maintaining quality and minimizing risks through project planning, handover to production, purchasing and production itself.


Over its 30 years, VDA 6.3 has evolved from an in-house practice to a global standard used in multiple industries. It has become a key factor in ensuring and improving high levels of quality.

Training in Process Audit VDA 6.3

As the only licensee of VDA QMC, we offer both certification training for auditors and overview training for, for example, management teams in Process Audit VDA 6.3. The training can be carried out in 1 to 5 days, depending on the company’s needs.

The certification training provides participants with in-depth knowledge of VDA 6.3 and practical preparation for audits according to international standards. For customers like VW/Audi, the exam (day 5) is required to become qualified as an internal or supplier auditor.

The training covers the entire product development process, with a focus on risk assessment and quality improvement. By strengthening your processes with Process Audit VDA 6.3, you will improve quality and increase customer confidence.

Literature for Process Audit VDA 6.3

Process Audit VDA 6.3 is available as a Swedish translation and is about 200 pages long. It describes a general audit process as well as the requirements for the 6 process elements and a way to make an initial assessment of a supplier, so-called potential analysis.


We are competent auditors and can audit your processes and your suppliers according to VDA 6.3 so that you have a clear understanding of the risks you are taking with a particular supplier in the context of a new business project. We can also help you design a good audit plan and ensure that you carry out value-adding internal audits and supplier assessments.


If you have already completed VDA 6.3 certification but need to renew your right to perform audits, specific requirements apply. Read more about our guidelines and requirements for qualification and renewal of certification, including documentation and the renewal process, to ensure you are always up to date and qualified.


If you have a question or want to know more, please fill in the form at the top of the page and we will get back to you as soon as possible.