Qualification/Renewal of VDA 6.3
Read below which requirements apply for qualification or renewal for VDA 6.3
As the only licensee of VDA QMC in Scandinavia, we can provide both certification training for auditors and more general training for, for example, management teams in VDA 6.3 for anything between 1 and 5 days. General training for 1-2 days is suitable for e.g. management teams or people who need information about what the method means, but who will not perform audits.
Training for people who will work as internal auditors or with supplier assessments takes 4 days and for some clients also requires passing certification exams (Day 5).
New training - Qualification requirements
The VDA 6.3 training is divided into a four-day training followed by a (voluntary) certification on day 5. No prior knowledge is required to participate in the four-day training.
For participation in the certification (day 5) required by some customers, the following prior knowledge is required:
- Completion of internal audit training covering ISO 19011 (or equivalent) of at least three days
- 5 years industrial experience of which 2 years with a quality focus
- Documented knowledge in “Core Tools” (see below)
Renewal of registration - VDA 6.3
If, in connection with a training course in VDA 6.3, you have successfully completed the tests included on the fifth day of training, you have a full right to carry out audits for 3 years. After three years, an application for extension must be submitted and then, as a rule, an extension is granted for another three years at a small cost (currently SEK 1 750).
General requirements for extension are:
- At least 5 completed audits (internal/external/potential analysis) in three years
- At least 10 audit days in the last three years
- Demonstrated competence in (Automotive) Core Tools.
The application for an extension must be submitted within three months of the expiry date.
Here you can download forms to apply for an extension
Competence requirements for core tools in the automotive industry
As a result of witness audits showing that the majority of suppliers in the automotive industry have insufficient knowledge of “Core Tools” (FMEA, SPC, MSA, APQP, 8D, etc.), VDA QMC is introducing a requirement for competence in Core Tools at the turn of 2019/2020 for new training and renewal. This competence can be demonstrated with one of the following options.
- Training in “Automotive Core Tools” (417) from approved licensee of VDA QMC OR
- Completed training in Core Tools with approved content for at least two days AND
- Successful completion of the Automotive Core Tools “Quiz”
Send your Core Tools training certificates to us (info@wedeaq.se) and you will receive an invitation to the quiz.
Learn more about Automotive Core Tools!
Graphical overview