
Process Audit VDA 6.3 Certification

In the process audit training VDA 6.3, we learn to review a process for product development from receipt of customer requirements and feasibility analysis through requirements for project management, product planning and process development to series production and customer service. The method is developed by the automotive industry in Germany and has been around for 30 years, is now in a third generation, and has developed to be a great success and is also used in other industries where there is a need to ensure effective implementation of projects and series production at an early stage.
Athlete holding trophy cup

Training content

  • Relationship to  requirements in ISO 9001 och IATF 169 49
  • Overview and differences different types of audits
  • Implementation of processorientation and risk analysis through the ”Turtle Model”
  • Audit Process; Development of audit program and finish of audits
  • Planning and performance of process audits
  • Evaluation of process audits
  • Audit interview approach
  • Communication, ethics and approach (codex) for proecess auditors.
  • Rehersal of contents in Modul A
  • Contents in Process Elements
    • Process Element 2: Project Management
    • Process Element 3: Planning of product and process development
    • Process Element 4: Implementation of product and process development
    • Process Element 5: Supplier Management
    • Process Element 6: Process analysis – Production
    • Process Element 7: Customer Service
  • Field Failure Analysis
  • Evaluation of audit results
  • Reporting, documentation och completions
  • Potential analysis (P1)
  • Knowledge Test
  • Examination test/Certification (Optional)


Taitotalo (Helsinki)

Price: 2 400,- €

Nov. 28 - Dec 2, 2022

Due date registation:

Availability: 5

Course ID: 5012-250